#MusicalMondays: A Song That Makes Me Feel Hopeful

I had such an amazing day today guys. Performed my first tooth extraction and I am feeling so accomplished, like I've reached a higher level of being a superhuman. It started off as pretty sucky because I was having the worse flu since the morning, and sneezing like it was the middle of spring. Softin saved the day and I survived through work like a pro!

Also I've had a really busy day with the family after coming home, so welcome to a very very late #MusicalMonday!! And I chose one to fit the situation.

Song #3: A song that makes me feel hopeful ...
Album: #3 (2012)

This is one hell of a song guys, you are criminal if you haven’t heard this one!

I heard this once playing in the back on AXN, and I never could figure out and find the song until a very good friend sent me this song, and I was overjoyed to have finally found it.

The lyrics are really motivational and give me so much hope and good vibes. I almost always recall all my good times, bad days and best days of university life and it all comes in front of my eyes like a flashback or a slideshow or something when this plays. Hope you guys love it too, what songs make you motivated and hopeful? Ending a day as good as today, with this amazing song, was pure bliss.
What song makes you hopeful and motivated? Let me know below!
Also, if you want a calming, more romantic kinda song and missed last week's #MusicalMonday click here.

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