A Letter To My 16 Year Old Self


To my dearest, young and reckless self. Hey.

I’m glad I got the chance to write to you, so many years back in time, I hope you receive this and read this with all your heart and mind. I am writing to reassure you that everything is going to be okay.

Stop worrying about too many things, you are so young and naive- you don’t need to carry so much on your shoulders right now. It’s totally okay to not be able to do everything, to be everything. You are perfect as you are, you are human. Overthinking is bad for your mental well being.

I know you feel alone and left out at high school, it’s okay. The social politics suck here, and making friends is hard. Getting into social groups is a hurdle, the stereotypes too well defined and constructed to contain what amazingness you hold. Don’t try too hard to fit in. You want to make a few friends? Just be yourself, you will find those gems that will love you for who you are, and you will laugh till your insides hurt with them. Just be patient.

Study, and ask for help. Trying to be in with the social stuff will lead you away from your books, and you will fail a test or two (see: physics) and you’ll cry at your first failed test. It’s okay, it happens. You will still live.

That guy who you think is cute? The one you catch staring at you every now and then? He’s an ass, stay away from him. That sweet talking, that fraandxhip message he sent to you? Don’t fall into that trap, block his number.

Speaking of the social horrors, I know you feel peer pressure here. You see everyone going out and hanging at different places, updating social media an adding the best DSLR pictures of themselves as a gang- while here you are still trying to get permission to be able to text and call your friends from your phone. Oh that was tough and aching to look at- I remember, but don’t make stupid mistakes to try to get into all of that. Focus on your own growth, you will have your share of good days too, just not now.

You are the most important person that you need to look after.

Don’t be so careless as to forget your stuff at college. You lost more than twenty different items here, I don’t even know the whereabouts of most of that stuff. And do not lose your practical journals, mom’s going to be so furious and you’ll end up being a totally terrified wimp. Crying with snot and all, the works.

Stop messing around with your pimples. And toothpaste doesn’t work so stop following dumb online ideas. Get Sudocrem- it works like magic. You won’t get rid of them for good though, puberty stages suck. Sorry, no life saving advice here. You have to endure that.

Now, your crush will text you himself. So don’t lose your sleep over him please, and do not give in and forget your self-worth. Remember who you are. Never forget that you are a strong, intellectual and able person. You’re worthy of everything and you deserve the best. Stay steady, and stay patient.

You will be made fun of and mocked- for trying too hard, for having hobbies that are different from the other girls, for doing your hair differently to fit in. Those cool girls will stare at you and your best friend as you laugh like there’s no tomorrow. Be prepared to catch them staring at you as you and your BFF try to finish your tikka paratha. Haters gonna hate- remember that.

Don’t let anyone belittle you, especially for eating whatever the hell you like.

You will be very concerned about what you look like, and that you aren’t pretty enough. You’ll be tanned, with unexpected pimples popping on your forehead and cheeks, and you will have numerous bad hair days. You will feel so little, so insignificant among the crowd of pretty girls. Those girls- with their beautiful hair and perfect skin, their smooth and unsmudged Kohl rimmed eyes, they’ll be the center of the crowd with tonnes of friends, sweater sleeves all rolled up and hair in the perfect side swept bangs. Don’t try to be them. Kajal is not your thing, so don’t even think about that. Don’t feel inferior- there are still going to be a few guys that will talk to you and like you. Most importantly, your friends will be there no matter what- and that’s what matters.

You don’t need to chase after anyone.

Keep reading your favorite books, keep writing out your feelings and never stop dreaming. You have a thing for horoscopes, and articles on animal facts and UFOs. Keep on reading about them, embrace your hobbies and don’t try to demolish them just because a sixteen year old girl shouldn’t be that nerdy.

Also I’ll give you a sneak peek of what to expect ahead. Family feuds, medical college, and a sudden whim to put on the Hijab. And yeah- it all ends really really well.

You’re young and you will make a lot of mistakes. Hell- I’m still making dumb decisions today. Don’t let them get to you, okay? Laugh it out, and shrug it off whenever you fall down. Just go with the flow. Never take anything too hard on yourself, and when life gives lemons, make some lemonade. Or just learn to throw them back at life- learning to be that way is going to take you a lot of time.

Be confident, be yourself and be patient. Don’t make rash decisions, and don’t trust anyone with a pretty face. Learn to say no, or else people will walk all over you. You are on a path where you will see so much. You will keep growing, people will come and go. Some will stay and help you move ahead, others will be life lessons as they exit. You, my dear, are a work of art that is and will always be a work in progress.

Chin up, good days are ahead.

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