#MusicalMondays: A Song That Reminds Me Of My Childhood

Hey readers. I just wanted to tell you that I recently downloaded Pinterest on my phone because I was very bored, and made an account there.

Because why not have a profile on every social media website ever to exist? Yep. And I warn you, it’s a really addictive app/site. It’s innovative and creative. You will spend hours pinning and saving tones of pictorials, photos, cheat sheets and all the fancy shmancy stuff there, and in 2 hours you’ll have about 300 pins saved. Very addictive, trust me. They’ll probably stay there and never even get looked back at to even execute in real time.

So I saved a couple of list posts, song related, and realized- like wow this is something really cool to post about. And here I am now, starting a new series, called SingalongSundays! I will post a random song every Monday, which would symbolize something important in my life. It could be an event, a person, or just very very random. So here’s the song for today!

 Song #1: A song that reminds me of my childhood ...

Kahani Mohabbat Ki- by Strings
Album: Dhaani (2003)
Basically the entire album, all the songs from Dhaani remind me of my childhood. This song has lyrics that are close to my heart. I recall the long road trips to the beach, to resorts, to the small city of Yanbu, even to the shopping bazaars at Balad and Hiraaj which were so far from home. All those long drives were embedded with the beautiful and calming tones of these songs. We used to sing along the verses and we never got bored of it.

I used to lay back with my sister in our dad’s Trailblazer- my brother being a seat ahead of us.  We had pillows at the back which my mum had covered with her own customized cross stitched covers. Upon them we laid as we listened and sung along the lyrics of every song of this album, as we waited to reach our destination. We would munch on our favorite snacks- mine would be Lays: Salt and Vinegar, which wasn’t available back in Pakistan, hence I would greedily have all I could while being Jeddah.
My own favorites from the CD were Mera Bichra Yaar and Kahani Mohabbat Ki. Very touching, and they reminded me so badly of my school friends back in Pakistan.

Every time I hear this song, and Mera Bichra Yaar- specifically the old Strings version, my heart would turn heavy as my mind would fill up with all these memories once again. A classic, nostalgic and emotional song.

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