Dental 101: The Only Trick You Need For a Quick and Hassle Free Dental Visit!


Hey guys. Hope everyone’s had a great week, and a greater weekend. The weekend is nonexistent for me, because I have work on Saturdays.
And the remainder of the day(s) is mostly spent contemplating on what a mess my life has become, cleaning my room and trying to catch up on some sleep. And by the time I’m done with that, it’s Monday again.

Speaking of Monday, did you guys check out my last week’s Musical Monday? I got another one coming up tomorrow too so stay tuned for that.

Anyways today I want to address on something really important. As a dental student, if there’s one thing that I really want, it’s for my patient to be satisfied with whatever treatment they are getting. I've seen different kinds of patients in my undergraduate life alone. Sometimes the kids are more compliant, more calm and much more patient than the adults, you would expect the opposite… amirite?

So if you’re planning to go to your dentist soon for a filling, or to get your wisdoms removed, or some scaling and cleaning, I have an amazing trick for you that will work wonders if you have anxiety or dentist-phobia!


1.    It will turn your one hour visit to a 20 minute task!
2.    Your procedure will be less traumatizing.
3.    There will be lesser pain.
4.    Lesser pain- faster recovery!

So are you ready for this life changing trick?
Here it is!


I can’t put it into kinder words, so pardon moi. The bold and all caps font and the highlighter comes off as rude, I know, but it can seriously cost you much more than what you actually came for. Here's why:

1. It’s dangerous.

The best work is done on patients who don’t talk when we have sharp and small things in their mouth. It gets really difficult for us to look at your teeth or do anything when your tongue is somersaulting in your mouth. It’s also hazardous and you may get poked and stabbed inside your mouth if you move a lot. So just don’t move.

2. It will hurt.

We are trying our best to look at your teeth and work on them without hurting you. Also when we are injecting you, it will feel a lot more painful if you don’t stay still. The numbing won’t be as effective and we will have to poke another needle into you- which we hate doing as well, so please stay still.

3. It’s annoying.

Especially in the patients who have already been numbed. I recently saw a patient, who had her tongue numbed, but she still tried to talk and nag on how her tongue was numb and how heavy it felt and that she couldn’t talk- while we were trying to work in her mouth. She wasn’t able to converse very well, she was annoyed and so were we.

4. It will cost you time and money.

For most of the fillings we do in your mouth, we really need to maintain that tooth as dry as possible. If you try to talk you will be splashing your spit over our hard work. The filling will become weak and we’ll have to redo it. Then it will take twice as long, which is an inconvenience to you as well as your dentist.

What to do instead?

Signal us with your hand so we stop our work and you can talk, but don't grab us please, unless its a reflex action to being in pain- it gets super awkward. Thanks.


  1. still no to dentistsssssssssssss......its better to brush twice a day , please guide me for my front teeth , its color has started to change like some portion of it is getting stained...any remedy

  2. Glad you have the brushing habit on Ali. And you can't run away from us lol. For the staining you may need scaling.

    1. thats what the other dentist has said, and he takes 5000 for scaling ...astagfirullah..whats the difference between a butcher and a doctor...scaling ...whats the relationship between stain ...its like the upper surface of teeth is vanishing ...i believe scaling is totally different thing..bleaching ????

    2. That's a misconception. Stains are superficial and scaling is done to remove them. Ideally you should get scaling done every six months.
      Bleaching is just whitening and if you want that done and have a lot of stains you still need scaling, it also gets rid of the calculus (the hardened plaque you can't remove with a toothbrush) stuck in your gums. You can email me if you have other detailed queries.


  3. You can email me at :)


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