Post Exam Thoughts: Stepping Into Final Year


Hey guys. I’m back on the blog after having my exams finally ended after a never ending, torturous, anxiety inducing three months.

It had been a really long and seemingly endless exam season, especially with the very long gaps. I’m relieved they’re finally over. I just have a weekend of real rest till my new classes start, that’s right folks. Medical students don’t get semester breaks or holidays. So along with sleeping my lazy self off for the entire day, I’m also doing some spring cleaning of my room. You must be well aware of, the chair? The chair on which you dump all of your clothes and random stuff on, because they're too dirty for the cupboard but too clean for the laundry, yeah that one. Thanks to my laziness I have three of those monsters in my room, and a messy cupboard and a dresser. I plan to binge watch in between as well, just downloaded 13 Reasons Why just to see what all the hype is about, which I will watch right after I'm done watching House MD. So I guess I'm gonna have a slightly busy weekend.

Anyways I’ve got final year from Monday and I really don’t know what to expect, because all I’ve seen former final year students do is run, work, sweat, panic and just work some more. There seems to be no chill, and I don’t expect any either, because this is the last shot, amirite? Pressure and panic are going to be normal feelings to experience. Let’s see what it brings, bring it on.

Stepping into the fourth year of being in this course also gives me nostalgic feelings, like- I’m done with 3 whole years already? I’ve been through all that already? I’m gonna be done so soon, and I’m much more closer to my goal. It gives you all kinds of mixed feelings. Especially when you look back at everything- all the interesting patients you have dealt with, (so far) all the unexpected bunks, the adventures, the typical college drama, the smell of panic in the air as your assignment deadlines lurk closer to you, presentation weeks, the good and the bad decisions made, the jokes you still laugh and snort at today, wow there’s so much that has happened. And I have absolutely no regrets whatsoever for whatever good or bad that I have done in the past, because either it was a good outcome or a good lesson. Besides, what little decisions I had made, I can’t completely regret them, because once they were exactly what I had wanted at that particular moment. Good vibes only, people.

And oh yeah. These past years have taught me a hell lot of stuff that I will never forget. You can look forward to a post that will be specifically dedicated to that, for now let’s just grab a cool lassi and turn on our ACs and chill. So keep reading and stay updated on the blog! In the meantime I will try to finish watching the last season of House MD, in what little weekend I have left.
Happy weekending! x

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