Pre House Job Thoughts: I Hate Paperwork But I Love BuJo


Can someone please hand me a remote control so I can skip this weekend and the next week as well- directly to October 15th? UGH. The image of me working as a professional dentist in my house job is so sweet and exciting- it's something I've worked really hard for these entire four years. But there is so much paperwork and documentation and trips to government offices, my college administration, the HR- all that I dread- before the real deal starts. Did I mention I hate paperwork? I think not, so here goes, I hate paperwork.

I’ve spent the entire summer Netflixing all night and in that process I have become a night owl. And the deadlines for all the documents are before the 15th of this month- in morning timings. Now- do the math and guess who has screwed up her sleep schedule already? Yes that’s me. A major procrastinator who is now already getting eye bags without even starting her work. Miraculous, I'm gonna look like a hobo without even trying.

It's been such a tough job to do all of that work before the deadlines come up ever since we got our final results. The most cringeworthy task among all this mayhem was the fact that our documents require updated passport sized photos. As if going to the tiny studio and sitting straight faced for a tiny photo isn’t awkward enough- I had to show my ears in it. That's an actual requirement. Even Islamophobic countries may not have non sense regulations like that.
Ears? Like why, do you doubt that I'm an elf? Or an alien? Or a reptile hybrid creature?

For someone that takes Hijab- just the thought of that is uncomfortable. Now I know that there are so many ways you can drape your scarf over your head while still showing your ears; they looked unflattering on me. And I shuffled through all the google images results of Hijab styles with ears but they just did not work out for me.

I ended up taking a loose dupatta over my head, looking like a pissed off air hostess that has been called by the annoying kid on the window seat way too many times.

Also, an irony of ironies: I hate paperwork and attestations but I love making notes and doodling and bullet journaling. This seventh grader kind of hobby makes me want to buy pretty stationary and notebooks even when I am broke.


I got the two printed gold foil ones from Asif Book Center at KDA Market. My Baba bought the cute pink Roco journal, it's pretty cool from the inside. There's an index, the pages are numbered. SO. GOOD. SO. NEW. Because new beginnings call for new and fresh notebooks. And bullet journaling. Maybe now I can finally get my life together if I start writing stuff down while still escaping from my real life problems. Ha. Ha.

Also this is the only preparation I’ve done before my house job starts. The rest I’m gonna do at the last moment because that’s just who I am as a person.

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