A Dark Trend


I’m something you cannot see in the daylight.
A trend too now, somehow not always in sight.
I’m something that should invoke, into you some fright.

Are you familiar yet, with who could this write?

I’m so in vogue now, so prevailing and famed
That famous talk show host, and that actor you look up to in vain?
They’ve all endorsed me at multiple times, little fools.

Have you yet figured out, am I dear or am I cruel?

I’m someone that you try to so perfectly conceal
You’re afraid they might know, and you’d be less of an appeal
But I’ll always be there, making sure that you feel

Every bit of my darkness, every bit of the unease.

I dwell in your hearts, and wreak havoc in your minds
To the good things and the light, I make sure you go blind
You may try but fail, while trying to pretend

That you're all okay, while at dying end

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