She was a fire breathing dragon. Her wings spread far and wide- as she soar through the dark skies. Some tried to tame her, some struggled to cage, to show her off to the world in all her beauty and rage. But she was ferocious, she was free. She was happy and glee.
She was a jewel, she was a dream. With intricate patterns and colours embedded in her scales deep. Strangely, they were frightening and enticing at the same time. All the shades of autumn and ginger, and gold and red would hail over her in vain. They would hood her allure, as she gracefully pulled her wings back in.
The cruel and the treacherous tried with all their might, to shoot at her wings and put up a fight. To capture with their wrath, and keep her as a trophy. But oh she was a free spirit, she sought to be greater. Her breath of flames was just enough- to destroy the deluders and the traitors.
Her scales would glitter as she slept by the lake. The moonlight would strike her gently, to shoot a thousand specks of gold that made her radiate. People gazed from afar, and see a an exquisite pot of gold- no wonder there was greed in their eyes. They speculated in awe, and fell in love with that sight.
She was the talk of the town folk, the glimmer of children's eyes. They would find themselves in wonder while looking at the darkness of the night. Until a comet appears, that ablaze the sky wide, the flame never seemed to end. It was her being herself, a mystery in the skies.
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