#MusicalMondays: A Song That I Love But Rarely Listen To

Hey guys it's Monday again and it's almost Tuesday now because I totally got busy and forgot to post today (hawwww) BUT BUT I am still going to post because I am super cool and awesome like that okay.

I've had a really busy week, and with my mid terms right around the corner I realize I have studied absolutely nothing and just wasted time, hence my time nowadays is mostly spent just panicking over how little time I have left. Ironic, no?

So coming back to the song of the day!!
Song #5: A song that I love but I rarely listen to ...

If I Die Young- by The Band Perry
Album: The Band Perry (2010)

I had heard this song back when I was 18 or 17, over a radio channel and I instantly felt very moved and touched by it. Unfortunately I tuned in on that station when I had totally missed the title and artist name of the song. And then I did what you all probably have in mind right now, yup, I googled whatever lyrics I remembered from that one listening (it wasn't an easy task, folks) and I finally found it!

This song is a really sad, American country song that touches my heart. Reminds me of the beauty of life, and the devastating after effects of the living you leave in this world when you pass away. It gives me bittersweet feelings and I rarely listen to it now, but it still gives me the same feelings when it comes up on my very outdated playlists.

Hope you guys love it just as much as I do!
If you missed last week's #MusicalMonday, click here!

And if you want goosebumps, a little scare- don't be afraid to click here.

P.S. Excuse me for the horrible quality of the pictures, didn't have time to edit stuff thanks to my brain farts.

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