Last Seen 3:07 AM

He walked down the hall with his gaze lowered, a coffee mug in his hand. Black, freshly brewed hot coffee- perfect to keep him from dozing off.
(Reader discretion advised, sensitive content ahead.)

Afraid to sleep, afraid to lie down, for he knew he would have nightmares again.He was afraid to let his guard down. His dark brown eyes had bags under them- yet they seemed wide open, his black hair disheveled and smelly. He wasn’t himself since last week.

He went over to his old reclining chair and seated himself, and sighed out. It was a cold night, dark outside- his eyes gazed ahead into the hallway where it happened, and it all came before him like it was fresh. Those two loud shots, they were heard like thunder, with the eerie smell of blood that followed right after. Elton nodded his head aggressively, in fear that he may hallucinate. He turned on the small lamp next to him, lighting up the room ever so dimly. He picked up his phone to check the time. 3:04 A.M. His brows furrowed in dismay as he realized his routine was in ruins. He opened his WhatsApp, back to her chats.

“Wifey,” he looked for her name as he scrolled down everyone’s condolences, and found her name. He opened that chat, and his heart ached- like it had been aching for the past two weeks. He started sweating, and gulped with fear as he read her messages- “I can’t take it anymore plz, m going 2 moms 2nite.”

Her last seen was 11:06 PM, 13th May- the day she killed herself, or so everyone was told.

Elton put his phone back on the coffee table, as he looked at the other chair to his left. It was a lot similar to the one that he sat on, the same dusty green covers with a floral vintage pattern and a cherry wood armrest. But this chair, it had a dark crimson stain on it.
Remy was found on that chair by the police on the 13th of May at around 11:48 PM, when Elton called them. She lay on the chair with her eyes wide open and a gaping bullet shot on her forehead, the gun was in her right hand- he placed the gun perfectly there, he knew the beauty of rigor mortis, oh- and her face covered with the blood that sprayed out, that’s where the crimson stain came from.

Elton laid still on his chair, gawking at that stain as he remembered Remy and her cries, her face that changed colors from pale to pink, to pale again and then red with blood. He nervously reclined his chair again, trying to get that off his mind. He grabbed his phone again from the table to look at his phone again. 3:07 A.M, he unlocked it and found Remy’s chat open, he read her name and furiously pressed the home button.

His heart fluttered.

He must be high on that coffee or something, he thought to himself- as he opened her chat once again, “Wifey-online.”

He was shaking with fear, drenched with sweat.

“Wifey- last seen today at 3:07 AM.”

It was 3:08 now. He put his phone away and rubbed his eyes, gasping for air, he was petrified, startled. He got rid of the phone as soon as he shot her that night- so nobody would see those texts, those pleas, nobody would have evidence of the murder, what was happening? How was she online? Her last seen was moments before he heartlessly shot her. Twice- to make sure he did the job..

He let out a heavy breath of air and pushed himself forcefully back on the recliner, shivering still, and opened his eyes. It was dark. The lamp was off, his thoughts were all over the place and he paid no heed to why it was so much darker now, he remembered turning that on, right?

His hands looked for the switch, and he clicked the lamp back on.

He turned his head to the left, and saw a pair of black eyes staring back at him, blonde burnt hair and a bloody red face, with a familiar gory wound on her forehead. It was Remy. She smiled, he froze, but he could still feel- a fire in his eyes and his throat, but he couldn’t move. The corners of her mouth went from ear to ear as her lips ripped their way through. She showed Elton her hundred, sharp pearly whites and hissed at his frozen carcass, her face got splattered again with some blood, it wasn't hers this time.

Elton stayed frozen, but his eyes burst so perfectly, as they gaped wide open just like the wound on Remy’s forehead. He stayed there still, not a move nor a sound, a frozen corpse that cried blood for his beloved.

His phone buzzed:

“Wifey- Gudnite baby.”

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