July Happenings


Being disconnected has never felt so good before this Eid. Those of you that know me personally are well aware of why I love Eid and the days around it.

My dad comes over home and spends the holidays with us, and it’s all warm and fuzzy feels with junk food eating and endless shopping every day. So that’s why I went totally AWOL this July, apologies again.

I was away from my laptop, I rarely went onto Snapchat to broadcast every meal or every item I had bought, I rarely updated my status and checked into fancy places while I was with my family. I even kept my phone inside, which for me is kind of like an accomplishment, because that huge brick of a phone is always in my hands. I think that completely defined my happiness. I genuinely spent quality time with my family after ages. I was contented.

Seaview at its rawest.

July was awesome for me guys. I fell really sick just before Eid and stayed ill till after the first week of the holidays, so most of the month was spent coughing and recovering, refraining from the cold drinks at every restaurant we went to. Our time was spent mostly at home because of this and the sudden and severe monsoons that lasted for about a week. The best thing we did this month was just a few days before Baba went back, and that was the best fun we’d all had in a long time, when we really took advantage of the rain.

It was a beach day that was supposed to be kinda sunny- kinda cloudy..

The most sudden of plans, I really love recalling it right now as I pour some of it out. I don’t feel like going too into it, because I know I would get overwhelmed by the feelings and then start missing dad and get teary eyed, but it was a really good day. The cold winds at the beach, watching the dim rays of the sun peek from behind the heavy clouds. And the sudden heavy rains that caught all of us off guard. My brother and sister tried their best to take pictures but the rain gave them a scare and their phones all went inside too, which was an oddly satisfying sight. The waves calmed and then roared again, and I saw Mama and Baba be so cheerful and cute, enjoying every bit of the moment- it was my cherry on top.

So cheers to family time, cheers to every gem of a person in whose company you forget to see your phone or your watch, and cheers to those memories that get captured in hearts- not photos.

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