Exam Delays Suck.

Diary post and possibly meaningless rant ahead. Because delayed exams (that aren't due to city circumstances) are a hassle that students suffer because of bad administration.

So my next exam got postponed guys. It was supposed to be held this Saturday and I was really in good tempo, all studying and having a good schedule and stuff. When all of a sudden my phone started buzzing. Usually I would just ignore that because its usually all the study groups that gets my phone mad. But when I looked at my phone I read that there's some notice being circulated by KU . And it went something like this:

It is notified for the information of all concerned that BDS & MBBS Third Professional Annual Examinations scheduled to be held on 14th and 15th of April 2017 have been postponed on account of our Annual Convocation because we suck at pre planning the dates and now all must suffer because of that, LOL at your anxiety.

What? I said it went something like this, okay..

There was nothing that suggested the news was authentic until almost 2 hours later. Those 2 hours were so annoying ugh. Like do I study? Do I prepare for the next subject? Do I sleep? Like what the heck does a person do during that nerve wrecking time. Anyways the official news is out and yeah the exam is officially postponed. My next exam is more than a week away. My mojo to study seems to have passed out, and I'm left in this strange dilemma of whether i can take a nice breath to relax or should I still panic that I should be being productive? I'm frustrated and I just want my exams to be done with. And then go on to *wait for it* FINAL YEARRRRR! But I also need to get through these dreaded days.
I hate exam delays. 😞

Ending the rant with a GIF because I love GIFs.

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