

♡ The Spelling of Love: Part 1 ♡

It was a dark night, there was a frightening storm outside. Rain was a weather of the norms here in Forks. It would get dark and gloomy- and wet. Sunny days were practically worshipped and welcomed there.

The winds blew quite hard, so as to tumble all the trash cans outside across and away. It all added to the frightfulness of the thunders. A typical setting from a scary movie where you would suddenly expect a knock on the door from an uninvited guest. Maybe someone was waiting for that tonight, a knock, a voice- from someone familiar?

The often worried and anxious mother looked outside, and fretfully got up from her bed to the door. The nurses stopped her, as she kept chanting “Jonathon, my dearest Jon! He’s afraid of the storms, I need to have him in my arms. He cannot sleep like this!”  One of the nurses grabbed her by her wrists, as she tried to control the delirious mother.

But the woman got very frantic, violent- desperate to see him.

“Please, let me cradle him, let me go to him!”

The nurse sedated her- and took her back to her ward. The struggle went on for ten minutes as the medicines slowly started taking effect. With love and patience, she was laid back. She mumbled herself to sleep, about her seven year old boy Jonny, who died two decades ago.

“Poor lady, what happened to her son?” asked the new nurse.

“The lad died twenty three years ago in a car accident while playing outside in the rain- got hit by a car. The driver was drunk- I’m tellin’ ya.” – said the wiser, older caretaker. She was habitual of her agitated attacks on nights as terrifying as these

They nodded in demise as they walked out of the room, as she lay in bed, still slowly mumbling to herself…

“I love him, get him back to me.” she said, but she spelt love as undying hope.

Did you enjoy this read? It's part of a series called
The Spelling of Love.
Click below to read the other two stories!

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